Darwin Core Archive Publishing

The following downloads are occurrence data packages from collections being published as Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) files. DwC-A files are a single compressed ZIP file that contains one to several data files along with a meta.xml document that describes the content and a CITEME.txt file that describes how to cite the portal. Archives published through this portal contain comma separated (CSV) files containing occurrences, identifications (determinations), material samples, measurement or facts, and multimedia metadata. Fields within the occurrences.csv file are defined by the Darwin Core exchange standard. Other files follow the DwC extensions for those data types.

Data Usage Policy:

Use of these datasets requires agreement with the terms and conditions in our Data Usage Policy. Locality details for rare, threatened, or sensitive records have been redacted from these data files. One must contact the collections directly to obtain access to sensitive locality data.
RSS Feed: https://biorepo.neonscience.org/portal/content/dwca/rss.xml
Code Collection Name Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) Metadata Pub Date
CSVColl-Vertebrates Consortium of Small Vertebrate Collections DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-08-19
EMEC-EMEC Essig Museum of Entomology DwC-A (1.5M) EML 2024-12-23
GSU-USNTC Georgia Southern University - U.S. National Tick Collection DwC-A (0.7M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-OPAL-MB Mameyes (D04 MAME) Belowground Plant Biomass (Megapit) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-10-02
MSB-MAMM Museum of Southwestern Biology - Mammal specimens DwC-A (4.9M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMAC-CPCH NEON Biorepository Aquatic Macroalgae Collection (Chemical Preservation [Clip Harvests]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMAC-CPPC NEON Biorepository Aquatic Macroalgae Collection (Chemical Preservation [Point Counts]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMIC-CP NEON Biorepository Aquatic Microalgae Collection (Chemical Preservation) DwC-A (5.5M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMIC-FD NEON Biorepository Aquatic Microalgae Collection (Freeze-dried) DwC-A (0.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMIC-MS NEON Biorepository Aquatic Microalgae Collection (Microscope Slides) DwC-A (6.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-AMIC-SF NEON Biorepository Aquatic Microalgae Collection (Sterivex Filters) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-APLC-HVSS NEON Biorepository Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, Lichen and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Standard Sampling]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-APLC-HVCH NEON Biorepository Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, Lichen, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Clip Harvests]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-APLC-HVPC NEON Biorepository Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, Lichen, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Point Counts]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-ASC NEON Biorepository Aquatic Sediments Collection DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-DNA NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-CH NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Fluid Preserved Chironomids) DwC-A (2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-OL NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Fluid Preserved Oligochaetes) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-MS NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Slide Mounted Chironomids and Oligochaetes) DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-TR NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Taxonomy Reference Collection) DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-TS NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Taxonomy Subsample) DwC-A (2.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BMIC-UB NEON Biorepository Benthic Macroinvertebrate Collection (Unsorted Bulk Sample) DwC-A (0.2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BEMC-DNA NEON Biorepository Benthic Microbe Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-BEMC-SF NEON Biorepository Benthic Microbe Collection (Sterivex Filters) DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-CARC-AP NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Archive Pooling) DwC-A (1.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-CARC-DNA NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (4.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-CARC-PV NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Pinned Vouchers) DwC-A (11.9M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-CARC-TS NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (Trap Sorting) DwC-A (1.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-FISC-DNA NEON Biorepository Fish Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (0.5M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-FISC-V NEON Biorepository Fish Collection (Vouchers) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-HEVC-GBAP NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Ground Beetle Sampling Bycatch Archive Pooling) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-HEVC-GBTS NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Ground Beetle Sampling Bycatch Trap Sorting) DwC-A (0.8M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-HEVC-SMFB NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Small Mammal and Fish Sampling Bycatch) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-IVBC-AP NEON Biorepository Invertebrate Bycatch Collection (Archive Pooling) DwC-A (4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-IVBC-TS NEON Biorepository Invertebrate Bycatch Collection (Trap Sorting) DwC-A (0.7M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-BL NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Blood Samples) DwC-A (2.5M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-DNA NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (2.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-EA NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Ear Tissue) DwC-A (2.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-FE NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Fecal Samples) DwC-A (5.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-HA NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Hair Samples) DwC-A (4.8M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-PEBL NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Pathogen Extracts [Blood]) DwC-A (0.8M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-PEEA NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Pathogen Extracts [Ear Tissue]) DwC-A (0.7M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-VGB NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Vouchers [Ground Beetle Sampling Bycatch]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-VOS NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Vouchers [Outside of Standard Sampling]) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MAMC-VSS NEON Biorepository Mammal Collection (Vouchers [Standard Sampling]) DwC-A (1.3M) EML 2025-01-10
NEON-MEEP NEON Biorepository Mammal Endo- and Ectoparasite Collection DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MOSC-BI NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Bulk Identified) DwC-A (2.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MOSC-DNA NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MOSC-PE NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Pathogen Extracts) DwC-A (2.7M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-MOSC-PV NEON Biorepository Mosquito Collection (Pinned Vouchers) DwC-A (3.2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-OPAL-SOMC NEON Biorepository OPAL Soil Microbe Collection (Bulk Subsamples) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-PMFC NEON Biorepository Particulate Mass Filter Collection DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-OPAL NEON Biorepository Prototype and Legacy NEON Samples DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SOIC-DP NEON Biorepository Soil Collection (Distributed Periodic) DwC-A (0.5M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SOMC-BS NEON Biorepository Soil Microbe Collection (Bulk Subsamples) DwC-A (14.2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SOMC-DNA NEON Biorepository Soil Microbe Collection (DNA Extracts ) DwC-A (2.8M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SWMC-DNA NEON Biorepository Surface Water Microbe Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (0.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SWMC-SF NEON Biorepository Surface Water Microbe Collection (Sterivex Filters) DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-BBM NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Belowground Biomass [Megapit]) DwC-A (0.3M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-BBS NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Belowground Biomass [Standard Sampling]) DwC-A (0.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-CF NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Canopy Foliage) DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-HV NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Herbarium Vouchers) DwC-A (0.9M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-LT NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Leaf Tissue) DwC-A (0.2M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TPLC-LF NEON Biorepository Terrestrial Plant Collection (Litterfall) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-TICC-PE NEON Biorepository Tick Collection (Pathogen Extracts) DwC-A (1.9M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-WDC NEON Biorepository Wet Deposition Collection DwC-A (0.6M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-ZOOC-BT NEON Biorepository Zooplankton Collection (Bulk Taxonomy Sample) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-ZOOC-DNA NEON Biorepository Zooplankton Collection (DNA Extracts) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-ZOOC-UB NEON Biorepository Zooplankton Collection (Unsorted Bulk Sample) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-DCTC NEON Domain Carabid Teaching Collection DwC-A (3.4M) EML 2024-12-23
NEON-SOIC-MP NEON HQ Soil Archive (Megapit) DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
ASU-NEON-IV NEON Invertebrate Voucher Collection at Arizona State University DwC-A (0.1M) EML 2024-12-23
SCAN SCAN Portal Network Arthropod Specimens DwC-A (1.3M) EML 2024-08-19
SEINet-Plants SEINet Portal Network Botanical Specimens DwC-A (1.2M) EML 2024-08-19