How to Cite

Ways to Acknowledge and Cite Use of the NEON Biorepository

Table of Contents

  1. Acknowledging the NEON Biorepository as a resource used in scientific publications
    1. Generic acknowledgment of the NEON Biorepository as a resource
    2. Generic citation of the NEON Biorepository as a resource
  2. Citing the use of the NEON Biorepository data portal
    1. Citing the NEON Biorepository portal generally
    2. Citing particular NEON Biorepository collections as sources for occurrence data
    3. Citing a NEON Biorepository published research or special collections dataset
  3. Acknowledging and citing NEON data generally
  4. Occurrence Record Use Policy
  5. Images

1. Acknowledging the NEON Biorepository as a resource used in scientific publications

1A. Generic acknowledgment of the NEON Biorepository as a resource

You can promote use of NEON Biorepository resources with the following statement in the acknowledgement section of your relevant publications:

"The National Ecological Observatory Network Biorepository at Arizona State University provided samples and data collected as part of the NEON Program."

1B. Generic citation of the NEON Biorepository as a resource

If the sampling scheme, design, or operations of the NEON Biorepository has been integral to facilitating your research, we encourage you to also cite the following publications that outline its conceptualization and implementation:

Thibault KM, Laney CM, Yule KM, Franz NM, Mabee PM. (2023). The US National Ecological Observatory Network and the Global Biodiversity Framework: National research infrastructure with a global reach. Journal of Ecology and Environment. 47:21.
Yule KM, Gilbert EE, Husain AP, Johnston MA, Prado LR, Steger, Franz NM. (2020). Designing Biorepositories to Monitor Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Change (Version 1). Zenodo.

2. Citing the use of the NEON Biorepository data portal

2A. Citing the NEON Biorepository portal generally

When your work relies on occurrence data published by the NEON Biorepository, cite the following:

Biodiversity occurrence data published by: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) Biorepository, Arizona State University Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center (accessed through the NEON Biorepository Data Portal,, 2024-09-18).

2B. Citing particular NEON Biorepository collections as sources for occurrence data

When your work relies on occurrence data from particular NEON Biorepository collections, use the preferred citation format published on the relevant collection details page under "Cite This Collection".

2C. Citing a NEON Biorepository published research or special collections dataset

To cite the use of occurrence records from an existing published research or special collections dataset, include the citations available from the relevant dataset page under "Cite This Dataset".

In many cases, you should also cite the original publication associated with the dataset. Citations to the publication are available within the dataset description page.

3. Acknowledging and citing NEON data generally

Research outputs using other NEON data and samples should also follow NEON citation policies and guidelines for publishing research output.

4. Occurrence Record Use Policy

5. Images

Images within this website have been generously contributed by their owners to promote education and research. These contributors retain the full copyright for their images. Unless stated otherwise, images are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CCBY-SA). Users are allowed to copy, transmit, reuse, and/or adapt content, as long as attribution regarding the source of the content is made. If the content is altered, transformed, or enhanced, it may be re-distributed only under the same or similar license by which it was acquired.