Wet Deposition Collection (NEON-WDC)

This collection contains wet deposition samples collected during precipitation events at NEON terrestrial and aquatic sites (NEON sample class: wdp_collection_in.chemSubsampleID). Samples are collected in a climate controlled wet deposition collector located at the tower top of terrestrial sites, and at the meteorologic tower of select aquatic sites. The automated assembly detects precipitation with an optical sensor and opens to collect wet deposition during all rain events. This allows for all types of precipitation to enter the glass collection bottles located within the enclosure. Once precipitation has ceased (as detected by the optical precipitation detector), the retractable lid closes until the next precipitation event is detected. Every two weeks samples are retrieved. A portion of the sample is filtered and sent to an analytical facility for analysis of major ions, pH, and conductivity. The remaining (unused) portion of the sample is not filtered and archived at 4 degrees Celsius for five years. Samples are stored in plastic Nalgene bottles, either PP or HDPE. See related links below for protocols and NEON related data products. Please note that associated datasets include important remarks and notes from the analysis laboratory about the condition of each sample (for example, if debris or contaminants were observed in the sample).


Contacts: NEON Biorepository, biorepo@asu.edu
Collection Manager: Laura Steger, lsteger@asu.edu (ORCID #: 0000-0002-0878-4132)
Research Aide: Christopher Livingston, calivin3@asu.edu (ORCID #: 0000-0001-8676-0817)
Wet deposition chemical analysis data product: https://data.neonscience.org/data-products/DP1.00013.001
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 38a24266-41fc-4d85-92d1-2599449afbf4
Digital Metadata: EML File
EDI Dataset page: https://www.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/ba29fbf3cc9a3f51a81e16e503fc48c1
Cite this collection:
NEON Biorepository Data Portal. 2025. Wet Deposition Collection (repackaging of occurrences published by the NEON Biorepository Data Portal) Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/ba29fbf3cc9a3f51a81e16e503fc48c1 (Accessed via the NEON Biorepository Data Portal, https://biorepo.neonscience.org/, 2025-01-25).
Collection Statistics
  • 3,165 specimen records
  • 3,165 (100%) georeferenced
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