Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Bradycellus

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Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)

Bradycellus badipennis (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON03XDANational Ecological Observatory Network, United States   2018-05-22
United States, Virginia, Giles, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Mountain Lake Biological Station NEON (MLBS), Plot MLBS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 37.426799 -80.564064, 776 - 781m

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
NEON09O2K   2021-04-20
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.765843 -100.916361, 586 - 587m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON03ZFR   2017-04-19
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON03ZH9   2017-07-12
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON03ZJN   2018-08-21
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON03ZJS   2018-08-21
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON079VI   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON08A94   2019-04-16
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

NEON079CL   2020-06-30
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HWY   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HWZ   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HX0   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXH   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON09O2L   2021-04-28
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.136134 -99.232896, 573 - 577m

NEON0B74Y   2022-08-02
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON03C3N   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON03C3O   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON03C3P   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON09KKY   2021-05-12
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 42.427091 -72.229737, 191 - 200m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON03XXW   2017-04-25
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON03Y54   2018-04-24
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.800934 -100.916415, 524 - 527m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON03Y5I   2018-05-08
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.800934 -100.916415, 524 - 527m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON03Y5W   2018-05-01
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON09O2M   2021-04-28
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON09O2N   2021-05-12
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON09O2O   2021-05-12
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.140675 -99.251915, 587 - 588m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON09O2P   2021-05-26
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

Bradycellus politus (Fall, 1905)
NEON08ABR   2019-05-01
United States, California, Madera, Pacific Southwest (D17), San Joaquin Experimental Range NEON (SJER), Plot SJER_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 37.117532 -119.738492, 448 - 461m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON03VJ3   2017-07-04
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Mid-Atlantic (D02), Blandy Experimental Farm NEON (BLAN), Plot BLAN_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.083999 -77.963812, 153 - 154m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON0782A   2020-06-16
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Mid-Atlantic (D02), Blandy Experimental Farm NEON (BLAN), Plot BLAN_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.084853 -77.965124, 140 - 147m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON078AF   2020-03-10
United States, Florida, Polk, Southeast (D03), Disney Wilderness Preserve NEON (DSNY), Plot DSNY_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 28.063937 -81.418449, 18 - 20m

Carabid Collection (Pinned Vouchers)

Bradycellus badipennis (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON03JXD   2018-05-22
United States, Virginia, Giles, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Mountain Lake Biological Station NEON (MLBS), Plot MLBS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 37.426799 -80.564064, 776 - 781m

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
NEON0908F   2021-04-20
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.765843 -100.916361, 586 - 587m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON03MID   2018-08-21
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON05KHQBenjamin Carroll (ORCID 0000-0001-9581-8937)   2019-04-30
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007, S, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768756 -122.361009, 444 - 454m

NEON05RAITammy Otto (ORCID 0000-0001-8766-9222)   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023, S, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.129938 -99.267269, 604 - 605m

NEON05RAJNational Ecological Observatory Network, United States   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON05Y05National Ecological Observatory Network, United States   2020-06-30
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON0908G   2021-04-28
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.136134 -99.232896, 573 - 577m

NEON0AGK3   2022-08-02
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON032L5   2018-04-24
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.800934 -100.916415, 524 - 527m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON032L7   2018-05-08
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.800934 -100.916415, 524 - 527m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON0908H   2021-04-28
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON0908I   2021-05-12
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON0908J   2021-05-12
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.140675 -99.251915, 587 - 588m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON0908K   2021-05-26
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

Bradycellus politus (Fall, 1905)
NEON05KLKRaven Robinson (ORCID 0000-0002-6721-6581)   2019-05-15
United States, California, Madera, Pacific Southwest (D17), San Joaquin Experimental Range NEON (SJER), Plot SJER_009, S, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 37.117352 -119.738485, 454 - 461m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON06RNX   2020-06-16
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Mid-Atlantic (D02), Blandy Experimental Farm NEON (BLAN), Plot BLAN_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.084853 -77.965124, 140 - 147m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON06S0C   2020-03-10
United States, Florida, Polk, Southeast (D03), Disney Wilderness Preserve NEON (DSNY), Plot DSNY_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 28.063937 -81.418449, 18 - 20m

Essig Museum of Entomology

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
EMEC1306866   2014-07-08
United States, Colorado, Logan, Domain 10, Sterling Site, Plot STER_026, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1361m

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
EMEC1306867   2014-08-05
United States, Colorado, Logan, Domain 10, Sterling Site, Plot STER_029, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
EMEC1306862   2016-09-13
United States, Washington, Clark, Domain 16, Abby Road Site, Plot ABBY_011, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743366 -122.35901, 496m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
EMEC1306863   2016-09-27
United States, Washington, Clark, Domain 16, Abby Road Site, Plot ABBY_011, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743366 -122.35901, 496m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
EMEC1306864   2016-09-27
United States, Washington, Clark, Domain 16, Abby Road Site, Plot ABBY_002, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 638m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
EMEC1306865   2016-09-27
United States, Washington, Clark, Domain 16, Abby Road Site, Plot ABBY_004, (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768585 -122.298751, 585m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
EMEC1312245   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

NEON Domain Carabid Teaching Collections

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D10.001796   2014-06-24
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D09.001461   2016-08-30
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.806092 -100.915421, 525 - 528m

Bradycellus congener (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D10.002093   2014-07-22
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000642   2017-07-12
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.001236   2018-08-21
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000106   2016-08-30
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000320   2016-09-13
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000321   2016-09-13
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000322   2016-09-13
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON.BET.D16.000454   2017-04-19
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

NEON.BET.D09.000404   2014-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D05.002096   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D05.002097   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus lugubris (LeConte, 1847)
NEON.BET.D05.002098   2016-06-28
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.480466 -89.55497, 447 - 449m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON.BET.D09.000608   2015-05-13
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON.BET.D09.002811   2018-05-01
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Bradycellus nigriceps LeConte, 1869
NEON.BET.D09.001849   2017-04-25
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON.BET.D02.001853   2015-04-21
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot SERC_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 38.873795 -76.539828, 3 - 5m

Bradycellus tantillus (Dejean, 1829)
NEON.BET.D02.002453   2015-07-23
United States, Virginia, Clarke, Mid-Atlantic (D02), Blandy Experimental Farm NEON (BLAN), Plot BLAN_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.083999 -77.963812, 153 - 154m

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