Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 174, records 17301-17400 of 20945

Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)

Brachinus alternans Dejean, 1825
NEON09NNU   2021-07-14
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037233 -95.205279, 272 - 275m

Calathus gregarius (Say, 1823)
NEON09NNV   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calathus gregarius (Say, 1823)
NEON09NNW   2021-06-02
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.043184 -95.202721, 320 - 322m

Calathus gregarius (Say, 1823)
NEON09NNX   2021-08-25
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033807 -95.198575, 317 - 320m

Calathus gregarius (Say, 1823)
NEON09NNY   2021-09-08
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.043184 -95.202721, 320 - 322m

Calathus gregarius (Say, 1823)
NEON09NNZ   2021-08-24
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calathus opaculus LeConte, 1854
NEON09NO0   2021-06-29
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calathus opaculus LeConte, 1854
NEON09NO1   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calathus opaculus LeConte, 1854
NEON09NO2   2021-06-29
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calathus opaculus LeConte, 1854
NEON09NO3   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO4   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.215287 -96.599283, 333 - 335m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO5   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124272 -96.637853, 325 - 327m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO6   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124272 -96.637853, 325 - 327m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO7   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.119701 -96.638655, 326 - 328m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO8   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124272 -96.637853, 325 - 327m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09NO9   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124272 -96.637853, 325 - 327m

Calosoma externum (Say, 1823)
NEON09NOA   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124964 -96.647329, 353 - 355m

Calosoma externum (Say, 1823)
NEON09NOB   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125694 -96.64534, 345 - 348m

Calosoma externum (Say, 1823)
NEON09NOC   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826
NEON09NOD   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826
NEON09NOE   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826
NEON09NOF   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124964 -96.647329, 353 - 355m

Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826
NEON09NOG   2021-09-01
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125694 -96.64534, 345 - 348m

Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826
NEON09NOH   2021-09-01
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124964 -96.647329, 353 - 355m

Calosoma scrutator (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON09NOI   2021-07-28
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033692 -95.189911, 279 - 284m

Calosoma scrutator (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON09NOJ   2021-08-11
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033692 -95.189911, 279 - 284m

Calosoma scrutator (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON09NOK   2021-07-28
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033692 -95.189911, 279 - 284m

NEON09NOL   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.108081 -96.545368, 381 - 389m

NEON09NOM   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.108081 -96.545368, 381 - 389m

NEON09NON   2021-06-16
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033692 -95.189911, 279 - 284m

NEON09NOO   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.086976 -96.544716, 418 - 427m

NEON09NOP   2021-04-14
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.215287 -96.599283, 333 - 335m

NEON09NOQ   2021-06-07
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.075067 -96.555874, 436 - 438m

NEON09NOR   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

NEON09NOS   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOT   2021-06-29
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOU   2021-06-02
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033807 -95.198575, 317 - 320m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOV   2021-06-15
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOW   2021-06-15
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOX   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775
NEON09NOY   2021-06-15
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

Cratacanthus dubius (Palisot de Beauvois, 1811)
NEON09NOZ   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124964 -96.647329, 353 - 355m

NEON09NP0   2021-04-12
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP1   2021-04-12
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP2   2021-04-12
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP3   2021-05-24
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP4   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP5   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP6   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP7   2021-05-24
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP8   2021-04-26
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NP9   2021-07-13
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.046329 -95.208663, 311 - 318m

NEON09NPA   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.108081 -96.545368, 381 - 389m

NEON09NPB   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NPC   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.108081 -96.545368, 381 - 389m

NEON09NPD   2021-05-10
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.108081 -96.545368, 381 - 389m

NEON09NPE   2021-06-07
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.110568 -96.550145, 370 - 377m

NEON09NPF   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

NEON09NPG   2021-09-01
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124964 -96.647329, 353 - 355m

NEON09NPH   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.124272 -96.637853, 325 - 327m

NEON09NPI   2021-09-01
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

NEON09NPJ   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

NEON09NPK   2021-08-24
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.046329 -95.208663, 311 - 318m

NEON09NPL   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

NEON09NPM   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

NEON09NPN   2021-08-10
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.046329 -95.208663, 311 - 318m

NEON09NPO   2021-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

NEON09NPP   2021-08-04
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.119701 -96.638655, 326 - 328m

NEON09NPQ   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NPR   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

NEON09NPS   2021-08-30
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.107315 -96.585981, 368 - 379m

Cymindis americana Dejean, 1826
NEON09NPT   2021-08-11
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.033807 -95.198575, 317 - 320m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPU   2021-04-12
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_025 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.103998 -96.596161, 336 - 341m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPV   2021-06-02
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037623 -95.196953, 310 - 316m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPW   2021-06-02
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.043184 -95.202721, 320 - 322m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPX   2021-06-16
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037623 -95.196953, 310 - 316m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPY   2021-05-18
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON09NPZ   2021-06-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_025 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.103998 -96.596161, 336 - 341m

NEON09NQ0   2021-07-13
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

NEON09NQ1   2021-07-13
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQ2   2021-09-21
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

NEON09NQ3   2021-06-15
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052642 -95.188064, 324 - 327m

NEON09NQ4   2021-05-18
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

NEON09NQ5   2021-07-28
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.043184 -95.202721, 320 - 322m

NEON09NQ6   2021-07-14
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037623 -95.196953, 310 - 316m

NEON09NQ7   2021-06-29
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQ8   2021-07-27
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

NEON09NQ9   2021-07-27
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

NEON09NQA   2021-08-11
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037623 -95.196953, 310 - 316m

NEON09NQB   2021-07-27
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

NEON09NQC   2021-07-27
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.052686 -95.185979, 307 - 320m

NEON09NQD   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQE   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQF   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQG   2021-06-23
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.115597 -96.638463, 323 - 325m

Elaphropus granarius (Dejean, 1831)
NEON09NQH   2021-06-01
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.054509 -95.204735, 315 - 319m

NEON09NQI   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.215287 -96.599283, 333 - 335m

NEON09NQJ   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

NEON09NQK   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.125589 -96.639109, 326 - 328m

NEON09NQL   2021-07-21
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON (KONA), Plot KONA_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.119701 -96.638655, 326 - 328m

Page 174, records 17301-17400 of 20945