Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 159, records 15801-15900 of 20945

Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)

NEON09MI6   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_032 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.472029 -103.025102, 1362 - 1363m

NEON09MI7   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

NEON09MI8   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.473273 -103.018333, 1359 - 1360m

NEON09MI9   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_032 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.472029 -103.025102, 1362 - 1363m

NEON09MIA   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

NEON09MIB   2021-05-05
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

NEON09MIC   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_032 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.472029 -103.025102, 1362 - 1363m

NEON09MID   2021-06-09
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.853093 -104.728006, 1663 - 1665m

Bembidion nitidum (Kirby, 1837)
NEON09MIE   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Bembidion nitidum (Kirby, 1837)
NEON09MIF   2021-06-16
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

Bembidion nitidum (Kirby, 1837)
NEON09MIG   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Bembidion nitidum (Kirby, 1837)
NEON09MIH   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

Bembidion rapidum (LeConte, 1847)
NEON09MII   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Calosoma affine Chaudoir, 1843
NEON09MIJ   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

NEON09MIK   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

NEON09MIL   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

NEON09MIM   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

NEON09MIN   2021-06-16
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

NEON09MIO   2021-06-16
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

NEON09MIP   2021-06-16
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

Cicindela purpurea G.A.Olivier, 1790
NEON09MIQ   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.82612 -104.745903, 1655 - 1657m

Cicindela purpurea G.A.Olivier, 1790
NEON09MIR   2021-09-29
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.853093 -104.728006, 1663 - 1665m

Cicindela purpurea G.A.Olivier, 1790
NEON09MIS   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

Cicindela purpurea G.A.Olivier, 1790
NEON09MIT   2021-09-15
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

Cicindela purpurea G.A.Olivier, 1790
NEON09MIU   2021-09-29
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

NEON09MIV   2021-07-21
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

NEON09MIW   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

NEON09MIX   2021-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

NEON09MIY   2021-09-01
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

NEON09MIZ   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

NEON09MJ0   2021-09-15
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

NEON09MJ1   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

NEON09MJ2   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.798822 -104.749212, 1644 - 1646m

NEON09MJ3   2021-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Cymindis interior Lindroth, 1969
NEON09MJ4   2021-09-01
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJ5   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.850866 -104.699535, 1637 - 1638m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJ6   2021-09-15
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.798822 -104.749212, 1644 - 1646m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJ7   2021-09-29
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJ8   2021-07-21
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.798822 -104.749212, 1644 - 1646m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJ9   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.82612 -104.745903, 1655 - 1657m

Cymindis planipennis LeConte, 1863
NEON09MJA   2021-09-01
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJB   2021-06-23
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJC   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.463935 -103.035332, 1361m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJD   2021-06-09
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJE   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJF   2021-06-23
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.82612 -104.745903, 1655 - 1657m

Discoderus parallelus (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON09MJG   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

Elaphropus anceps (LeConte, 1848)
NEON09MJH   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.478666 -103.019238, 1365 - 1366m

NEON09MJI   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

NEON09MJJ   2021-05-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.463935 -103.035332, 1361m

NEON09MJK   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_027 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.480827 -103.018821, 1368 - 1369m

NEON09MJL   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_027 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.480827 -103.018821, 1368 - 1369m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJM   2021-04-07
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJN   2021-05-05
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJO   2021-05-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.478666 -103.019238, 1365 - 1366m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJP   2021-05-26
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJQ   2021-04-14
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJR   2021-06-23
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJS   2021-05-05
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJT   2021-05-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_029 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.468561 -103.011749, 1353 - 1354m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJU   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJV   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJW   2021-05-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.478666 -103.019238, 1365 - 1366m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJX   2021-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJY   2021-04-07
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_034 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.478666 -103.019238, 1365 - 1366m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MJZ   2021-05-05
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_033 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.47639 -103.011866, 1356 - 1357m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK0   2021-05-19
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK1   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_026 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.474713 -103.0243, 1360 - 1361m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK2   2021-06-02
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_035 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.469719 -103.016662, 1361 - 1363m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK3   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK4   2021-05-26
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK5   2021-04-14
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK6   2021-09-01
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK7   2021-06-30
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_035 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.469719 -103.016662, 1361 - 1363m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK8   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

Harpalus desertus LeConte, 1859
NEON09MK9   2021-04-14
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKA   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKB   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKC   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKD   2021-06-23
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKE   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKF   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKG   2021-04-21
United States, Colorado, Logan, Central Plains (D10), North Sterling NEON (STER), Plot STER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.463935 -103.035332, 1361m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKH   2021-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKI   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.86191485 -104.6838323, 1647m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKJ   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKK   2021-04-14
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKL   2021-08-18
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKM   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKN   2021-07-21
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKO   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.82612 -104.745903, 1655 - 1657m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKP   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKQ   2021-05-26
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.814769 -104.748078, 1650m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKR   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKS   2021-05-12
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.818451 -104.707164, 1623 - 1625m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKT   2021-06-23
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.798822 -104.749212, 1644 - 1646m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKU   2021-07-07
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKV   2021-07-21
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.81275 -104.696873, 1621 - 1623m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKW   2021-08-04
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.810934 -104.729248, 1650 - 1652m

Harpalus ellipsis LeConte, 1847
NEON09MKX   2021-04-28
United States, Colorado, Weld, Central Plains (D10), Central Plains Experimental Range NEON (CPER), Plot CPER_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 40.85001 -104.681398, 1641 - 1648m

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