Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 132, records 13101-13200 of 20945

Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)

Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HVX   2019-07-31
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.806908 -88.193888, 10 - 14m

NEON07HVY   2019-07-31
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.814261 -88.187361, 11 - 17m

NEON07HVZ   2019-08-07
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

Anisodactylus haplomus Chaudoir, 1868
NEON07HW0   2019-08-07
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

Selenophorus opalinus (LeConte, 1863)
NEON07HW1   2019-08-07
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

NEON07HW2   2019-08-07
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

NEON07HW3   2019-08-07
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

NEON07HW4   2019-08-12
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.534942 -87.815024, 23 - 28m

Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865
NEON07HW5   2019-08-12
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.534101 -87.816942, 24 - 30m

NEON07HW6   2019-08-12
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.520324 -87.817128, 23 - 28m

Cylindera unipunctata (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON07HW7   2019-08-12
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_013 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.540611 -87.817309, 24 - 28m

Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813
NEON07HW8   2019-08-14
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.812516 -88.202238, 10 - 17m

Pasimachus punctulatus Haldeman, 1843
NEON07HW9   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Hale, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.922166 -87.428895, 108 - 122m

NEON07HWA   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

Elaphropus granarius (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HWB   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

Pasimachus depressus (Fabricius, 1787)
NEON07HWC   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.897137 -87.397336, 115 - 124m

Cyclotrachelus freitagi Bousquet in Bousquet & Larochelle, 1993
NEON07HWD   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Hale, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.898842 -87.446131, 96 - 105m

Pasimachus depressus (Fabricius, 1787)
NEON07HWE   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Hale, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.974426 -87.42694, 80 - 87m

Dicaelus ambiguus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841
NEON07HWF   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Hale, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.921617 -87.433389, 112 - 124m

Pasimachus punctulatus Haldeman, 1843
NEON07HWG   2019-08-21
United States, Alabama, Hale, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.921617 -87.433389, 112 - 124m

Selenophorus fatuus (LeConte, 1863)
NEON07HWH   2019-09-04
United States, Alabama, Bibb, Ozarks Complex (D08), Talladega National Forest NEON (TALL), Plot TALL_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.893534 -87.415333, 114 - 126m

NEON07HWI   2019-08-28
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.808316 -88.188214, 10 - 12m

NEON07HWJ   2019-08-28
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.808316 -88.188214, 10 - 12m

NEON07HWK   2019-08-28
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.809125 -88.185679, 9 - 13m

Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865
NEON07HWL   2019-08-26
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.534942 -87.815024, 23 - 28m

Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865
NEON07HWM   2019-08-26
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.534101 -87.816942, 24 - 30m

NEON07HWN   2019-08-26
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.520324 -87.817128, 23 - 28m

Scarites vicinus Chaudoir, 1843
NEON07HWO   2019-09-09
United States, Alabama, Greene, Ozarks Complex (D08), Dead Lake NEON (DELA), Plot DELA_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 32.532479 -87.818534, 23 - 31m

NEON07HWP   2019-09-11
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.812516 -88.202238, 10 - 17m

Paraclivina bipustulata (Fabricius,1801)
NEON07HWQ   2019-09-25
United States, Alabama, Choctaw, Ozarks Complex (D08), Lenoir Landing NEON (LENO), Plot LENO_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 31.809125 -88.185679, 9 - 13m

NEON07HWR   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

NEON07HWS   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.12584 -99.253801, 594 - 595m

Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774)
NEON07HWT   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.142128 -99.21116, 570 - 571m

Syntomus americanus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HWU   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.142128 -99.21116, 570 - 571m

Dicheirotrichus cognatus (Gyllenhal, 1827)
NEON07HWV   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.142128 -99.21116, 570 - 571m

Pterostichus commutabilis (Motschulsky, 1866)
NEON07HWW   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Badister obtusus LeConte, 1878
NEON07HWX   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HWY   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HWZ   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HX0   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Dyschirius planatus Lindroth, 1961
NEON07HX1   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

NEON07HX2   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

Calosoma calidum (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON07HX3   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.136134 -99.232896, 573 - 577m

NEON07HX4   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.118581 -99.239944, 585 - 586m

Dyschirius planatus Lindroth, 1961
NEON07HX5   2019-04-16
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.798586 -100.911965, 551 - 554m

Amara farcta LeConte, 1855
NEON07HX6   2019-04-16
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.800934 -100.916415, 524 - 527m

NEON07HX7   2019-04-30
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.769079 -100.916842, 588 - 589m

NEON07HX8   2019-04-16
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_012 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.786096 -100.915884, 564 - 567m

Harpalus opacipennis (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON07HX9   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.142318 -99.247173, 588 - 590m

Syntomus americanus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HXA   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.134755 -99.249895, 592 - 595m

Diplocheila obtusa (LeConte, 1847)
NEON07HXB   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.134755 -99.249895, 592 - 595m

NEON07HXC   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXD   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bembidion mimus Hayward, 1897
NEON07HXE   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.128258 -99.257768, 595 - 596m

NEON07HXF   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.14933942 -99.25192811, 587 - 592m

Carabus maeander maeander Fischer von Waldheim
NEON07HXG   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXH   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXI   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXJ   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Bembidion praticola Lindroth, 1963
NEON07HXK   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HXL   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Agonum cupreum Dejean, 1831
NEON07HXM   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.209998 -99.171961, 577 - 580m

Syntomus americanus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HXN   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.202167 -99.173924, 576 - 579m

Acupalpus nanellus Casey, 1914
NEON07HXO   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

NEON07HXP   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

NEON07HXQ   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163429 -99.115691, 567 - 569m

Amara neoscotica Casey, 1924
NEON07HXR   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163711 -99.118452, 568 - 569m

Amara tenax Casey, 1918
NEON07HXS   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_012 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.16941 -99.058774, 520 - 521m

Amara tenax Casey, 1918
NEON07HXT   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.202167 -99.173924, 576 - 579m

Amara tenax Casey, 1918
NEON07HXU   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.202167 -99.173924, 576 - 579m

NEON07HXV   2019-05-07
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.202167 -99.173924, 576 - 579m

NEON07HXW   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Pasimachus elongatus LeConte, 1846
NEON07HXX   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.173174 -99.05087, 500 - 501m

Harpalus opacipennis (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON07HXY   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163429 -99.115691, 567 - 569m

Agonum cupreum Dejean, 1831
NEON07HXZ   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163429 -99.115691, 567 - 569m

Syntomus americanus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HY0   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163711 -99.118452, 568 - 569m

NEON07HY1   2019-05-21
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.210512 -99.185022, 588 - 592m

NEON07HY2   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.118581 -99.239944, 585 - 586m

Amara lunicollis Schiödte, 1837
NEON07HY3   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.12584 -99.253801, 594 - 595m

NEON07HY4   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.14933942 -99.25192811, 587 - 592m

Bembidion aeneicolle (LeConte, 1847)
NEON07HY5   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Carabus maeander maeander Fischer von Waldheim
NEON07HY6   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

NEON07HY7   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Acupalpus nanellus Casey, 1914
NEON07HY8   2019-06-18
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_023 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.130118 -99.26727, 604 - 605m

Pasimachus elongatus LeConte, 1846
NEON07HY9   2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.136134 -99.232896, 573 - 577m

NEON07HYA   2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.118581 -99.239944, 585 - 586m

Syntomus americanus (Dejean, 1831)
NEON07HYB   2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge NEON (WOOD), Plot WOOD_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.134755 -99.249895, 592 - 595m

NEON07HYC   2019-04-30
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.798586 -100.911965, 551 - 554m

Dyschirius planatus Lindroth, 1961
NEON07HYD   2019-04-30
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), Plot NOGP_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 46.798586 -100.911965, 551 - 554m

Acupalpus nanellus Casey, 1914
NEON07HYE   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

NEON07HYF   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.206173 -99.184204, 586 - 590m

Pasimachus elongatus LeConte, 1846
NEON07HYG   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.171565 -99.051268, 504 - 507m

Harpalus opacipennis (Haldeman, 1843)
NEON07HYH   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.171565 -99.051268, 504 - 507m

NEON07HYI   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.171565 -99.051268, 504 - 507m

Calosoma calidum (Fabricius, 1775)
NEON07HYJ   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163429 -99.115691, 567 - 569m

Polyderis laeva (Say, 1823)
NEON07HYK   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.173174 -99.05087, 500 - 501m

NEON07HYL   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.163711 -99.118452, 568 - 569m

Amara tenax Casey, 1918
NEON07HYM   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.210512 -99.185022, 588 - 592m

NEON07HYN   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.209998 -99.171961, 577 - 580m

Amara tenax Casey, 1918
NEON07HYO   2019-06-04
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Northern Plains (D09), Dakota Coteau Field Site NEON (DCFS), Plot DCFS_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 47.210512 -99.185022, 588 - 592m

Page 132, records 13101-13200 of 20945