Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 118, records 11701-11800 of 20945

Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts)

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079TO   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079TP   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Scaphinotus angusticollis (Mannerheim in Fischer von Waldheim, 1823)
NEON079TQ   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

NEON079TR   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

Amara conflata LeConte, 1855
NEON079TS   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

NEON079TT   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079TU   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.754053 -122.298512, 517 - 543m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079TV   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Pterostichus amethystinus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079TW   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Cychrus tuberculatus T.W.Harris, 1839
NEON079TX   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079TY   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Harpalus cordifer Notman, 1919
NEON079TZ   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

NEON079U0   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079U1   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

NEON079U2   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.771358 -122.355223, 348 - 359m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079U3   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.771358 -122.355223, 348 - 359m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079U4   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

NEON079U5   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Harpalus cautus Dejean, 1829
NEON079U6   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079U7   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079U8   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

NEON079U9   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UA   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1820)
NEON079UB   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Pterostichus castaneus (Dejean, 1828)
NEON079UC   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UD   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UE   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.771358 -122.355223, 348 - 359m

NEON079UF   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Harpalus cautus Dejean, 1829
NEON079UG   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UH   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UI   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UJ   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Harpalus cordifer Notman, 1919
NEON079UK   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UL   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UM   2020-07-14
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Pterostichus amethystinus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UN   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Cychrus tuberculatus T.W.Harris, 1839
NEON079UO   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Harpalus cautus Dejean, 1829
NEON079UP   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

NEON079UQ   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.754053 -122.298512, 517 - 543m

Harpalus cordifer Notman, 1919
NEON079UR   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079US   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1820)
NEON079UT   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Harpalus cautus Dejean, 1829
NEON079UU   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Amara conflata LeConte, 1855
NEON079UV   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

Pterostichus amethystinus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UW   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76561 -122.299532, 533 - 546m

NEON079UX   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079UY   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079UZ   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

Scaphinotus angulatus (T.W.Harris, 1839)
NEON079V0   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079V1   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079V2   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079V3   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Harpalus cordifer Notman, 1919
NEON079V4   2020-08-11
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079V5   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1820)
NEON079V6   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1820)
NEON079V7   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079V8   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079V9   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

NEON079VA   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

NEON079VB   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_028 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.745361 -122.375882, 593 - 604m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079VC   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

Pterostichus algidus LeConte, 1853
NEON079VD   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.762016 -122.371092, 598 - 606m

Scaphinotus angusticollis (Mannerheim in Fischer von Waldheim, 1823)
NEON079VE   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_006 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.754053 -122.298512, 517 - 543m

Pterostichus algidus LeConte, 1853
NEON079VF   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Amara musculis (Say, 1823)
NEON079VG   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Scaphinotus marginatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1820)
NEON079VH   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Bradycellus harpalinus (Audinet-Serville, 1821)
NEON079VI   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Scaphinotus angulatus (T.W.Harris, 1839)
NEON079VJ   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_007 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.768936 -122.361007, 438 - 454m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079VK   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_008 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.771358 -122.355223, 348 - 359m

Harpalus laticeps LeConte, 1850
NEON079VL   2020-07-28
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_002 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.739055 -122.309112, 635 - 641m

NEON079VM   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

NEON079VN   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Leistus ferruginosus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079VO   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.743361 -122.358994, 489 - 504m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079VP   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079VQ   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079VR   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079VS   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Amara idahoana (Casey, 1924)
NEON079VT   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.76858 -122.298736, 578 - 588m

Leistus ferruginosus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079VU   2020-08-25
United States, Washington, Clark, Pacific Northwest (D16), Abby Road NEON (ABBY), Plot ABBY_010 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.776549 -122.375934, 552 - 561m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079VV   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079VW   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_003 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.831516 -122.018608, 597 - 609m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079VX   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844315 -122.002564, 672 - 682m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079VY   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844315 -122.002564, 672 - 682m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079VZ   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.822941 -121.998707, 565 - 574m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079W0   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_004 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.822941 -121.998707, 565 - 574m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079W1   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.834707 -121.983393, 632 - 644m

Omus dejeanii Reiche, 1838
NEON079W2   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_011 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.834707 -121.983393, 632 - 644m

Carabus taedatus Fabricius, 1787
NEON079W3   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_012 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.840576 -121.863912, 318 - 324m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079W4   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_014 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.849932 -121.99427, 611 - 622m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079W5   2020-07-21
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_014 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.849932 -121.99427, 611 - 622m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079W6   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079W7   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079W8   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079W9   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079WA   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_014 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.849932 -121.99427, 611 - 622m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079WB   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_001 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844033 -121.999068, 661 - 668m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079WC   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_005 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.844315 -122.002564, 672 - 682m

Pterostichus lama (Ménétriés, 1843)
NEON079WD   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.835945 -122.001901, 796 - 816m

Zacotus matthewsii LeConte, 1869
NEON079WE   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.835945 -122.001901, 796 - 816m

Pterostichus herculaneus Mannerheim, 1843
NEON079WF   2020-08-04
United States, Washington, Skamania, Pacific Northwest (D16), Wind River Experimental Forest NEON (WREF), Plot WREF_009 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 45.835945 -122.001901, 796 - 816m

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