Clumped perennial 6-15(-20) dm, with numerous, crowded lvs in the lower 1/3- 2/3 and long, subnaked, wand-like, branching infls, finely strigose throughout, varying to subglabrous or shortly spreading-hairy, with only the ovary, hypanthium, and sep strigose; lvs linear or linear-oblanceolate to lance-elliptic, entire or with a few coarse teeth, mostly 2-7 cm נ2-15 mm; bracts 1-2 mm, caducous; fls shortly slender-pedicellate, the pedicel at maturity of the fr (0.5-)1-3 mm, less than 0.5 mm thick; sep 5-12 mm, separately reflexed; pet 5-10 mm, turning pink; fr finely strigillose, 5-10 mm, fusiform, sharply 4-angled especially upwards; seeds 1 or 2; 2n=14. Dry woods and fields; Ky. and s. Ind. to S.C., Fla., and La. Aug., Sept. (G. michauxii)
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.