Stems stout, not branching, 16-22 cm, not bearing bulblets. Leaves: basal 2-25 dm × 8-12 mm; cauline usually present. Inflorescences 2-6-flowered. Flowers ± erect; perianth open, campanulate; sepals broadly lanceolate, somewhat shorter than petals; petals bright lavender, broadly obovate, adaxial surface glabrous or with short, purple hairs distal to gland, apex margins erose; glands slightly depressed, surrounded proximally by minutely denticulate membrane; filaments longer than anthers; anthers oblong, apex acute to obtuse. Capsules nodding, narrowly 3-winged, ovoid, 1.5-2 cm. Seeds unknown. Flowering late spring. Oreg. Calochortus indecorus was collected from the western slope of Sexton Mountain, northeastern Josephine County. Endemic to that area, the taxon is now presumed extinct.