Perennial herb with a elongate, slender rhizome stem 10 - 45 cm tall Stem: one, one-branched, upright, forked above the middle, with sheathing bracts at the base. Leaves: alternate, stalkless, 4 - 6.5 cm long, 1.5 - 3 cm wide, oblong lance-shaped to elliptic with a pointed tip, minutely toothed, with a waxy coating (glaucous) on the lower surface. One or two leaves grow beneath the fork of the stem. Flowers: one per stem, terminal (but appearing axillary), nodding, pale straw-yellow, narrowly bell-shaped, with six distinct tepals. Tepals over-lapping, 1.2 - 2.5 cm long, 2 - 4.5 mm wide, elongate, with a pointed tip. Flower stalk 0.6 - 1.6 cm long. Stamens six, 8 - 15 mm long. Fruit: a sharply three-winged capsule, distinctly stalked, greenish to yellowish brown, 1.5 - 3 cm long, 1 - 1.6 cm wide, ellipsoid. Seeds brownish red, nearly spherical.
Similar species: The similar Uvularia grandiflora and U. perfoliata differ by having perfoliate leaves.
Flowering: April to June
Habitat and ecology: Rare in the Chicago Region. A substantial population was discovered in Porter County, Indiana growing in full sun between thickets in a cutover area. Typically found in rich woods.
Occurence in the Chicago region: native
Etymology: Uvularia comes from the word uvula (the soft lobe that dangles at the back of the throat) of which the drooping flowers resemble. Sessilifolia means stalkless.
Stem 1-3 dm at anthesis, bearing 0-2 lvs below the fork and only 1 or 2 fls; lvs at anthesis lance-oblong, acute at both ends, glaucous beneath, at maturity elliptic, to 8 נ3 cm, obtuse or rounded at base, nearly smooth on the margins, tep pale stramineous, 12-25 mm; styles connate for three-fourths their length; about equaling the perianth, much exceeding the anthers; fr 3-angled, distinctly stipitate, 15-20 mm; 2n=14. Woods; N.S. and N.B. to Minn. and S.D., s. especially in the mts., to S.C., w. Fla. and La. Apr., May. (Oakesia s.; Oakesiella s.)
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.