Herptile Voucher Collection (Small Mammal and Fish Sampling Bycatch) (NEON-HEVC-SMFB)

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This collection contains herptile bycatch collected during small mammal and fish sampling and opportunistically collected dead herptiles found during terrestrial data collection protocols (NEON sample class: mam_voucher_in.voucherSampleID.herp and fsh_nonTarget_in.voucherSampleID. Small mammal sampling is based on the lunar calendar, with timing of sampling constrained to occur within 10 days before or after the new moon. Typically, core sites are sampled 6 times per year, and relocatable sites 4 times per year. Small mammals are sampled using box traps (models LFA, XLK, H.B. Sherman Traps, Inc., Tallahassee, FL, USA) and, at sites in Puerto Rico, larger wire traps suitable for catching Rattus spp. (model 201, Tomahawk Live Trap, Hazlehurst, WI, USA). Box traps are arrayed in three to eight (depending on the size of the site) 10 x 10 grids with 10m spacing between traps at all sites. Where used, wire traps are used only in alternate bouts of trapping and placed at every other trap station in the 10 x 10 grid, such that a total of 50 wire traps are set. Small mammal trapping bouts are comprised of one or three nights of trapping, depending on whether a grid is designated for pathogen sample collection (3 nights) or not (1 night). Fish are sampled twice per year at lakes and wadeable stream sites, during spring and fall. Ten sampling reaches or segments are established at each site; with 3 fixed reaches sampled during every sampling bout and a random subset of 3 additional reaches or segments selected for sampling each year. Fish are sampled using a combination of electrofishing, gill-nets and mini-fyke nets. Vertebrate bycatch mortalities are stored in 70% ethanol and archived in a temperature (17-18°C) and humidity controlled environment. See related links below for protocols and NEON related data products.


Contacts: NEON Biorepository, biorepo@asu.edu
Collection Manager: Laura Steger, lsteger@asu.edu (ORCID #: 0000-0002-0878-4132)
Imaging and Rehousing (2022): Ruby Sainz, rsainz1@asu.edu (ORCID #: 0000-0001-8985-6216)
Specimen Rehousing (2023): Luisa Zamora Chavez, lzamorac@asu.edu (ORCID #: 0009-0003-8224-4614)
Specimen Rehousing (2023-2024): Jonna Urban, jhurban1@asu.edu
Imaging and Rehousing (2024): Rianna Sandoval, rmsando5@asu.edu
NEON Mammal Box Trapping data product: https://data.neonscience.org/data-products/DP1.10072.001
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 200f7c9b-6024-43d8-a0bc-64669ea27ee2
Digital Metadata: EML File
GBIF Dataset page: http://www.gbif.org/dataset/92499d06-4394-45ee-badb-5a1e3e4f9e33
Cite this collection:
NEON Biorepository Data Portal (2024). NEON Biorepository Herptile Voucher Collection (Small Mammal and Fish Sampling Bycatch). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/srqw3a accessed via the NEON Biorepository Data Portal, https://biorepo.neonscience.org/ on 2024-10-18.
Arizona State University
Biodiversity Knowledge Integration Center
734 W. Alameda Drive Suite 158
Tempe, AZ   85282
Collection Statistics
  • 8 specimen records
  • 8 (100%) georeferenced
  • 5 (63%) with images (10 total images)
  • 7 (88%) identified to species
  • 3 families
  • 3 genera
  • 4 species
  • 4 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
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Geographic Distribution - United States
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