NEON08SN4 Nicolas Gravley (ORCID 0009-0004-7301-0178) 2023-07-25
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northern Rockies (D12), Yellowstone National Park NEON (YELL), Plot YELL_050 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 44.95508 -110.543079, 2117 - 2118m
NEON032U0 B.D. Howe 3 2020-06-29
United States, Wyoming, Park, Domain 12, Yellowstone National Park Site, Northern Yellowstone National park. NEON Plot YELL_009, 44.970313 -110.501884, 2000m
NEON05158 L.M. Gerry 2021-049 2021-08-23
United States, Washington, Skamania, Domain 16, Wind River Experimental Forest NEON, Road to WREF tower, 45.817189 -121.948447, 364m
NEON02CCJ T.R. Carter 158 2019-07-10
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Domain 09, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, NEON plot NOGP_BSE070., 47.13426 -99.24279, 583m
NEON02CD3 T.R. Carter 127 2019-07-29
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Domain 09, Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, NEON site WOOD., 47.13394 -99.24247, 581m
NEON02FRS T.R. Carter 49 2019-07-08
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Domain 09, Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory, NEON plot NOGP_017., 46.79191 -100.91706, 561m
NEON03206 T. R. Carter 182 2020-06-23
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman, Domain 09, Dakota Coteau Field School Site, 47.153647 -99.104806, 586m
NEON04N7C C. Winkler 5 2019-08-08
United States, Kansas, Riley, Domain 06, Konza Prairie Biological Station Site, Watershed N16B, NEON Plot KONZ_016, 39.092147 -96.584061, 368m
NEON04N8J J.G. Porta 34 2019-07-29
United States, Virginia, Warren, Domain 02, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute Site, Smithsonian Conservation Biological Institute, 38.89493 -78.13767, 361m
NEON06YXR Austin Riddle (ORCID 0000-0002-2135-1091) 2022-08-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), 39.09995 -96.56476, 402 - 402m
NEON08SRP Monika Kelley (ORCID 0000-0003-0674-5356) 2021-09-23
United States, Texas, Wise, Southern Plains (D11), Lyndon B. Johnson National Grassland NEON (CLBJ), Near CLBJ_076 phenology primary loop, 33.3979 -97.571, 274 - 278m
NEON02MWO 2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MWQ 2019-07-03
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MWW 2019-07-03
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MWX 2019-07-03
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MWY 2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MX1 2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MX3 2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MXA 2019-07-03
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MXD 2019-07-02
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON02MXF 2019-07-08
United States, North Dakota, Morton, Northern Plains (D09), Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON (NOGP), 46.76972 -100.91535, 589m
NEON04CI8 2018-07-11
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), 39.040431 -95.19215, 322m
NEON04CIB 2018-07-12
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), 39.040431 -95.19215, 322m
NEON04CIF 2019-11-14
United States, Kansas, Leavenworth, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_044 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.038041 -95.187902, 286 - 291m
NEON04CIM 2017-09-28
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_050 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.035964 -95.197907, 321 - 323m
NEON04CIO 2018-07-11
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), 39.040431 -95.19215, 322m
NEON04CIR 2017-09-27
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_045 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.037636 -95.194835, 314 - 321m
NEON04CIT 2017-10-03
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_047 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.040156 -95.190752, 313 - 321m
NEON04CIW 2018-07-11
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), 39.040431 -95.19215, 322m
NEON04CIZ 2018-07-12
United States, Kansas, Jefferson, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), 39.040431 -95.19215, 322m
NEON04CJ0 2018-07-12
United States, Kansas, Douglas, Prairie Peninsula (D06), University of Kansas Field Station NEON (UKFS), Plot UKFS_032 (plot dimensions: 40m x 40m), 39.041659 -95.19703, 297 - 306m