Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Amblystegium

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Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Clip Harvests])

NEON039KYJoe Kukulski (ORCID 0000-0003-1449-7081)   2019-07-11
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Kings Creek NEON (KING), Kings Creek Stream, Aquatic Plant, 08 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 39.104251 -96.602549, 328m

Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Point Counts])

NEON0301TC. Burton   2020-02-24
United States, Texas, Wise, Southern Plains (D11), Pringle Creek NEON (PRIN), Pringle Creek Stream, Aquatic Plant, 10 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 33.376098 -97.784782, 253m

Identified Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Clip Harvests])

Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb.
Aaron Bradner   2016-07-01
United States, Tennessee, Anderson, Appalachians & Cumberland Plateau (D07), Walker Branch NEON (WALK), Walker Branch Stream, Aquatic Plant, 03 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 35.956273 -84.278732, 261m

Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb.
Joe Kukulski (ORCID 0000-0003-1449-7081)   2019-07-11
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Kings Creek NEON (KING), Kings Creek Stream, Aquatic Plant, 08 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 39.104251 -96.602549, 328m

Identified Aquatic Plant, Bryophyte, and Macroalgae Collection (Herbarium Vouchers [Point Counts])

Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb.
United States, Texas, Wise, Southern Plains (D11), Pringle Creek NEON (PRIN), Pringle Creek Stream, Aquatic Plant, 10 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 33.376098 -97.784782, 253m

United States, Oklahoma, Johnston, Southern Plains (D11), Blue River NEON (BLUE), Blue River Stream, Aquatic Plant, 02 - Aquatic Plant Transect, 34.441489 -96.623094, 288m

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