Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 1, records 1-100 of 4593

Mammal Collection (Pathogen Extracts [Blood])

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06PI6Kasey Stewart (ORCID 0000-0002-6609-5941)   2020-07-30
United States, Wisconsin, Lincoln, Great Lakes (D05), Treehaven NEON (TREE), Plot TREE_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 45.494675 -89.572192, 466 - 470m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RE7Erica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RE8Erica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RE9Erica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

NEON06REAErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

NEON06REBErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RECErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06REDErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REEErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REFErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-23
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REGAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REHAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REIAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06REJAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REKAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RELAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REMAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RENAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REOAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-06-25
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06REPErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06REQErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06RERErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RESErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RETErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06REUErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-26
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06REVErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-06-27
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06REWAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-06-28
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_010 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.424891 -72.256376, 187 - 197m

NEON06REXAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-06-28
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_010 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.424891 -72.256376, 187 - 197m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06REYAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-06-28
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_010 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.424891 -72.256376, 187 - 197m

NEON06REZAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-06-28
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_010 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.424891 -72.256376, 187 - 197m

NEON06RF0Alyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-06-28
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_010 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.424891 -72.256376, 187 - 197m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RF1Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RF2Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RF3Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RF4Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RF5Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RF6Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RF7Honora Tisell (ORCID 0000-0002-1541-5968)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RF8Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RF9Joshua Fischer (ORCID 0000-0002-5964-2409)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RFAAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06RFBAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-07-14
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06RFCAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFDAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFEAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RFFAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06RFGErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-07-15
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

NEON06RFHErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-07-16
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RFIErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-07-16
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFJErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

NEON06RFKHonora Tisell (ORCID 0000-0002-1541-5968)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFLHonora Tisell (ORCID 0000-0002-1541-5968)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFMHonora Tisell (ORCID 0000-0002-1541-5968)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

NEON06RFNAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

NEON06RFOAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFPAlyssa Van Doorn (ORCID 0000-0001-9529-4416)   2020-08-11
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFQHonora Tisell (ORCID 0000-0002-1541-5968)   2020-08-12
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_021 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.45146 -72.2518, 177 - 208m

NEON06RFRErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-08-13
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFSErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-08-13
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFTErica Boucher (ORCID 0000-0001-6073-9358)   2020-08-13
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_023 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.412979 -72.226194, 174 - 177m

Napaeozapus insignis (G. S. Miller, 1891)
NEON06RFUAlyssa Valentyn (ORCID 0000-0002-5456-0404)   2020-08-13
United States, Massachusetts, Worcester, Northeast (D01), Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON (HARV), Plot HARV_008 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 42.443394 -72.225117, 241 - 243m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFVSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RFWSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RFXSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFYSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RFZSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RG0Sean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RG1Sean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RG2Haley Turner (ORCID 0000-0001-7163-2310)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RG3Haley Turner (ORCID 0000-0001-7163-2310)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RG4Haley Turner (ORCID 0000-0001-7163-2310)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RG5Haley Turner (ORCID 0000-0001-7163-2310)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RG6Haley Turner (ORCID 0000-0001-7163-2310)   2020-06-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RG7Amber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RG8Amber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RG9Amber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RGAAmber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGBAmber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGCRachel Karpiesiuk (ORCID 0000-0002-9557-1628)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGDRachel Karpiesiuk (ORCID 0000-0002-9557-1628)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGERachel Karpiesiuk (ORCID 0000-0002-9557-1628)   2020-06-18
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGFSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGGSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGHSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RGISean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus maniculatus (J. A. Wagner, 1845)
NEON06RGJSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGKSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGLHannah Bartholomaus (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4213)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGMHannah Bartholomaus (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4213)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGNSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGOSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGPSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGQSean Franco (ORCID 0000-0002-8102-9862)   2020-07-16
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGREddie Minnick (ORCID 0000-0002-3172-0145)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGSEddie Minnick (ORCID 0000-0002-3172-0145)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGTEddie Minnick (ORCID 0000-0002-3172-0145)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_001 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.075279 -96.554581, 425 - 435m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGUHannah Bartholomaus (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4213)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Microtus ochrogaster (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON06RGVAmber Arias (ORCID 0000-0002-1491-0369)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.070111 -96.588843, 409 - 422m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGWHannah Bartholomaus (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4213)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON06RGXHannah Bartholomaus (ORCID 0000-0001-8438-4213)   2020-07-17
United States, Kansas, Riley, Prairie Peninsula (D06), Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON (KONZ), Plot KONZ_027 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 39.102006 -96.584621, 346 - 353m

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