Search Criteria: United States OR USA OR U.S.A. OR United States of America

Page 37, records 3601-3700 of 10255

Mammal Collection (DNA Extracts)

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043J7Samantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-15
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043J8Samantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-15
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043J9John Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-05-15
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JASamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-15
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JBJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-05-15
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JCJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JDApril Hugi   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JEApril Hugi   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043JFMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JGJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JHApril Hugi   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043JIMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043JJMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JKSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043JLMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
NEON043JMSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-16
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JNSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-05-17
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JOBrittany Iwaniec (ORCID 0000-0001-9827-4562)   2018-05-17
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JPBrittany Iwaniec (ORCID 0000-0001-9827-4562)   2018-05-17
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JQBrittany Iwaniec (ORCID 0000-0001-9827-4562)   2018-05-17
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043JRBrittany Iwaniec (ORCID 0000-0001-9827-4562)   2018-05-17
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JSJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JTSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JUSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JVSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043JWJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
NEON043JXJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2018-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043JYJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043JZJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043K3John Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
NEON043K4John Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043K5Jason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043K6John Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825   2018-06-14
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)   2018-06-14
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.187331 -84.472213, 32 - 35m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825   2018-06-14
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KAAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KBAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KCAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)   2018-09-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825   2018-09-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KFAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KGJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KHAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KIAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KJAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KKJohn Lewis (ORCID 0000-0003-3985-5922)   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825   2018-09-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KMAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KNAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KOAmanda Vazquez (ORCID 0000-0002-2639-2781)   2018-09-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KPAllyson Holmes (ORCID 0000-0002-6940-7496)   2019-05-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818)
NEON043KQKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-05-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043KRMonique Kerstein (ORCID 0000-0002-9814-2044)   2019-05-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KSMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-05-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KTMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-05-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043KUKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-05-09
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say and Ord
NEON043KVKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-05-09
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043KWSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-05-09
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.187331 -84.472213, 32 - 35m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043KXJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043KYJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043KZAllyson Holmes (ORCID 0000-0002-6940-7496)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043L0Jesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043L1Allyson Holmes (ORCID 0000-0002-6940-7496)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043L2Allyson Holmes (ORCID 0000-0002-6940-7496)   2019-06-11
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043L3Samantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043L4Samantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043L5Kevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043L6Samantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043L7Kevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-06-12
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043L8Jesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043L9Jesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LAJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LBKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043LCJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.187331 -84.472213, 32 - 35m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LDJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043LEJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-06-13
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.187331 -84.472213, 32 - 35m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LFSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-08-06
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043LGSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-08-06
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LHKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-08-06
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus polionotus (J. A. Wagner, 1843)
NEON043LISamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LJJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LKJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LLMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LMJason Brown (ORCID 0000-0001-8642-686X)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_002 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195708 -84.459355, 47 - 49m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LNMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-08-07
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LOMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-08-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Neotoma floridana (Ord, 1818)
NEON043LPSarah Nguyentran (ORCID 0000-0002-4945-210X)   2019-08-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_003 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.195225 -84.472087, 31 - 34m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LQMelissa Benedict (ORCID 0000-0003-2831-6405)   2019-08-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_019 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.187331 -84.472213, 32 - 35m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LRKevin Scott (ORCID 0000-0002-7517-7842)   2019-08-08
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758
NEON043LSSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LTJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LUJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_009 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.194279 -84.455589, 47 - 51m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LVJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LWJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

Sigmodon hispidus Say & Ord, 1825
NEON043LXSamantha Matlick (ORCID 0000-0003-1476-1962)   2019-09-04
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_006 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.188338 -84.454487, 41 - 46m

Peromyscus gossypinus (Le Conte, 1853)
NEON043LYJesse Price (ORCID 0000-0002-3174-4606)   2019-09-05
United States, Georgia, Baker, Southeast (D03), The Jones Center At Ichauway NEON (JERC), Plot JERC_005 (plot dimensions: 90m x 90m), 31.197297 -84.451595, 43 - 45m

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