Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts) (NEON-CARC-DNA)

Bionomia dataset badge

This collection contains genetic extracts derived from select ground beetle vouchers (Coleoptera: Carabidae; NEON sample class: bet_expertTaxonomistID_in.geneticSampleID). Ground beetles are sampled using pitfall traps (16 oz deli containers filled with 150 or 250 mL of diluted propylene glycol preservative). Four (pre-2018) or 3 (2018 and beyond) traps are deployed in each of 10 (pre-2023) or 6 (2023 and beyond) plots at each terrestrial NEON site, with traps arrayed approximately 20 meters from the center of the plot. Sampling occurs biweekly throughout the growing season (when temperatures are above 4 degrees C). Following trap collection, all beetles from the family Carabidae are sorted by NEON technicians and identified to species or morphospecies. Annually, up to 95 Carabidae per site are pointed or pinned, receive secondary morphology-based identification by an expert taxonomist, and have genetic sequences produced at the cytochrome oxidase I barcode region. Beetles that are rare, particularly difficult to identify, or poorly represented in previous collection events are prioritized for DNA sequencing. Only beetle specimens that have been identified by an expert taxonomist are eligible for DNA barcoding. Barcodes of cytochrome oxidase I are generated per specimen and are cross-posted on the Barcode of Life Data Portal ( Genetic extracts are stored dehydrated in 96-well plates from the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding are archived in the NEON Biorepository at -80 degrees Celsius. When eluted into 20 uL, concentrations of 5-30 ng/uL are expected. See related links below for protocols and NEON related data products. Information about the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding can be found at

DNA extractDNA extract

Collection Manager: Azhar Husain,
Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps data product:
Ground beetle sequences DNA barcode data product:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: d261934e-0923-446b-9627-95be868627ab
Digital Metadata: EML File
GBIF Dataset page:
Cite this collection:
NEON Biorepository Data Portal (2025). NEON Biorepository Carabid Collection (DNA Extracts). Occurrence dataset accessed via the NEON Biorepository Data Portal, on 2025-02-11.
Collection Statistics
  • 20,945 specimen records
  • 20,945 (100%) georeferenced
  • 5 (0.02%) with images (8 total images)
  • 18,000 BOLD genetic references
  • 470 publication references
  • 20,468 (98%) identified to species
  • 3 families
  • 123 genera
  • 665 species
  • 722 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
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Geographic Distribution - Massachusetts
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