NEON Invertebrate Voucher Collection at Arizona State University (ASU-NEON-IV)
This collection contains Invertebrate Vouchers derived from NEON samples. These vouchers typically come from bulk samples such as the Invertebrate Bycatch from the NEON Carabid trapping protocol. Specimens are individually prepared (generally as pinned insects) and housed within the NEON Biorepository at the Arizona State University Biocollections.
Contacts: NEON Biorepository,
Collection Manager: Isa Betancourt, (ORCID #: 0000-0003-3873-0693)
NEON Biorepository Data Portal (2024). NEON Invertebrate Voucher Collection at Arizona State University.
Occurrence dataset accessed via the NEON Biorepository Data Portal, on 2024-09-07.