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Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
823182 ASU:NEON-IV NEONIV0000440 Braconidae Masona neon Dal Pos & Martens, 2023 2020-07-20 United States Puerto Rico Guanica Municipio Atlantic Neotropical (D04), Guanica Forest NEON (GUAN), Plot GUAN_010, (plot dim... 17.972442 -66.871318 evergreenForest; slope aspect: 327.2; slope gradient: 4.46; soil type order: Ari... 170 - 179
| 1-1 of 1 records |
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';