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Symbiota ID Collection Catalog Number Family Scientific Name Collector Number Date Country State/Province County Locality Decimal Lat. Decimal Long. Habitat Substrate Elevation
238368 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0068X Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
238369 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0068Y Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
238371 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0068Z Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
242931 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MT Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2016-09-08 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
242932 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MU Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2016-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
242933 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MV Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
242934 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
242935 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MX Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2016-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242936 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242937 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006MZ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242938 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242939 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N1 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242940 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242941 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N3 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
242942 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
242943 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N5 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
242944 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
242945 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2016-09-08 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
242946 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N8 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2016-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
242947 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006N9 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
242948 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
242949 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NB Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
242950 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
242951 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ND Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
242952 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
242953 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NF Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242954 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242955 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NH Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242956 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242957 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242958 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
242959 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
243001 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NM Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
243002 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NN Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
243003 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NO Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
243004 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NP Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
243005 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NQ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
243006 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NR Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
243007 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NS Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
243008 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NT Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus DeGeer 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
243009 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NU Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
243010 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NV Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
243011 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NW Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
243012 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NX Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
243013 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006NY Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246765 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246767 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XH Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246769 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246771 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246773 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XN Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246775 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XP Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246777 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XR Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246779 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XT Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246781 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XV Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246783 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XX Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246785 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006XZ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246787 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y1 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246789 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246791 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y3 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246793 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y4 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
246795 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y5 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246797 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y6 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246799 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y7 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246801 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y8 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246803 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Y9 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246805 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YA Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246807 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YB Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246809 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
246811 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YD Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246813 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246815 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YF Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246817 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246819 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YH Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246821 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246823 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246825 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246827 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
246829 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246831 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YN Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246833 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246835 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YP Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246837 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246839 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YR Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246841 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246843 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YT Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246845 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246847 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YV Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
246849 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246851 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YX Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246853 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246855 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006YZ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246857 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246859 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z1 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246861 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246863 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z3 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
246866 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
246869 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246872 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z7 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
246875 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z8 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
246877 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006Z9 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246879 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZA Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246881 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZB Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246883 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246885 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZD Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246887 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246889 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZF Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
246891 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZG Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
246893 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZH Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246895 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246897 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZJ Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246899 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246901 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246903 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
246905 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZN Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
246907 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
246909 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZP Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246911 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246913 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
246915 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZU Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246917 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZW Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246919 NEON:CARC-AP NEON006ZY Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
246921 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00700 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
246923 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00702 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
247280 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00739 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
247282 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073A Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
247284 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073B Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
247286 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073C Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
247288 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073D Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
247290 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073E Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
247292 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073F Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
257996 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073J Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
257997 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073K Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
257998 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073L Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
257999 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073M Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
258001 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073N Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258002 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073O Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.898957 -76.55556 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 108.8; slope gradient: 1.78; soil type order: Ult... 18 - 28
258003 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073P Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
258004 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073Q Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258005 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073R Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258006 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073S Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258007 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073T Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
258008 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073U Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
258009 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073V Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.898957 -76.55556 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 108.8; slope gradient: 1.78; soil type order: Ult... 18 - 28
258010 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073W Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
258011 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073X Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258012 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073Y Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
258013 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0073Z Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
258014 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00740 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.898957 -76.55556 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 108.8; slope gradient: 1.78; soil type order: Ult... 18 - 28
258015 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00741 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258016 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00742 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
258018 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00743 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258021 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00744 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
258038 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00745 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258039 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00746 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258042 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00747 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
258210 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00756 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
258211 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00757 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258212 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00758 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
258218 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00759 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258219 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075A Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258220 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075B Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258222 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075C Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258223 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075D Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258228 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075E Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258229 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075F Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
258230 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075G Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258233 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075H Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258234 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075I Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258235 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075J Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.898957 -76.55556 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 108.8; slope gradient: 1.78; soil type order: Ult... 18 - 28
258237 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075K Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258256 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075U Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
258299 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075V Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258300 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075W Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258305 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075X Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258353 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075Y Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258354 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0075Z Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258357 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00760 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
258358 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00761 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258359 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00762 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258361 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00763 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
258362 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00764 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258363 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00765 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258368 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00766 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
258369 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00767 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258370 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00768 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258371 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00769 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258372 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0076A Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258373 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0076B Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
258375 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0076C Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258377 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0076D Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
258379 NEON:CARC-AP NEON0076E Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258424 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00770 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
258425 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00771 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
258426 NEON:CARC-AP NEON00772 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
292901 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008DN Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
292902 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008DO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321500 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
321501 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E5 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
321502 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
321503 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
321506 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
321508 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008E9 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
321509 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
321510 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EB Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
321511 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EC Carabidae Agonum punctiforme Say 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
321512 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008ED Carabidae Agonum punctiforme Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
321513 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EE Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
321514 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EF Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus DeGeer 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
321518 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321519 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EH Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321520 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321521 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321522 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EK Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
321524 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
321527 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
321530 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EN Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
321533 NEON:CARC-AP NEON008EO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
733647 NEON:CARC-AP NEON02GOI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
733649 NEON:CARC-AP NEON02GOJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
733651 NEON:CARC-AP NEON02GOK Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
733654 NEON:CARC-AP NEON02GOL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
732948 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWH Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
732949 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWI Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
732950 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWJ Carabidae Cicindela punctulata punctulata Olivier 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732951 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWK Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732952 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWL Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732953 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWM Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732954 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWN Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
732955 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWO Carabidae Tachys potomaca Erwin 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
732956 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWP Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732957 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWQ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
732958 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWR Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732959 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWS Carabidae Amara impuncticollis (Say, 1823) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732960 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWT Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
732961 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWU Carabidae Chlaenius tomentosus (Say, 1823) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732962 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWV Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
732963 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWW Carabidae Dicaelus ambiguus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
732964 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWX Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732965 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWY Carabidae Anisodactylus caenus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732966 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BWZ Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732967 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX0 Carabidae Stenolophus comma (Fabricius, 1775) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
732968 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX1 Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
744550 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX2 Carabidae Trichotichnus fulgens (Csiki, 1932) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
744551 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX3 Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
744552 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX4 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
744553 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BX5 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
746825 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYM Carabidae Tachys potomaca Erwin 2016-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
746826 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYN Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
746827 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYO Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
746828 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYP Carabidae Badister notatus Haldeman, 1843 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
746829 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYQ Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
746830 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03BYR Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749022 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNP Carabidae Patrobus longicornis (Say, 1823) 2016-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749023 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNQ Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
749024 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNR Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
749025 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNS Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
749026 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNT Carabidae Pterostichus tristis (Dejean, 1828) 2016-09-22 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
749027 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNU Carabidae Oodes brevis Lindroth, 1957 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749028 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNV Carabidae Harpalus erythropus Dejean, 1829 2016-09-08 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749029 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNW Carabidae Harpalus erythropus Dejean, 1829 2016-09-08 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749030 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GNX Carabidae Galerita bicolor (Drury, 1773) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
749083 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPE Carabidae Tetracha virginica (Linnaeus, 1767) 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749084 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPF Carabidae Tetracha virginica (Linnaeus, 1767) 2016-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749085 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPG Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749086 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPH Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
749087 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPI Carabidae Brachinus alternans Dejean, 1825 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
749088 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPJ Carabidae Chlaenius tomentosus (Say, 1823) 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749089 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPK Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2016-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749090 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPL Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2016-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
749091 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPM Carabidae Chlaenius impunctifrons Say, 1823 2016-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749092 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPN Carabidae Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius, 1775) 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
749093 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPO Carabidae Dicaelus politus Dejean, 1826 2016-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
749094 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPP Carabidae Synuchus impunctatus (Say, 1823) 2016-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
749095 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPQ Carabidae Synuchus impunctatus (Say, 1823) 2016-09-08 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
751624 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPU Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
751625 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPV Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751626 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPW Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751627 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPX Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751628 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPY Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751629 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GPZ Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751630 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ0 Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
751631 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ1 Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
751632 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ2 Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
751633 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ3 Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751634 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ4 Carabidae Amara impuncticollis (Say, 1823) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751635 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ5 Carabidae Anisodactylus melanopus (Haldeman, 1843) 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
751636 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ6 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751637 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ7 Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751638 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ8 Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751639 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQ9 Carabidae Anisodactylus caenus (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751640 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQA Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751641 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQB Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751642 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQC Carabidae Stenolophus comma (Fabricius, 1775) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751643 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GQD Carabidae Trichotichnus fulgens (Csiki, 1932) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751759 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTL Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751760 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTM Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751761 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTN Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751762 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTO Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751763 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTP Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751764 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTQ Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
751765 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTR Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
751766 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTS Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
751767 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTT Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2015-07-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
751768 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTU Carabidae Harpalus compar LeConte, 1847 2015-06-02 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
751769 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GTV Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751774 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU0 Carabidae Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826 2015-06-16 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751775 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU1 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
751776 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU2 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
751777 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU3 Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
751778 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU4 Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
751779 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU5 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
751780 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2015-06-30 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.898957 -76.55556 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 108.8; slope gradient: 1.78; soil type order: Ult... 18 - 28
751781 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU7 Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2015-08-25 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
751782 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU8 Carabidae Chlaenius impunctifrons Say, 1823 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
751783 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GU9 Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2015-05-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
751784 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GUA Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2015-05-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
751785 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GUB Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2015-08-11 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
751786 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GUC Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2015-07-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
751787 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GUD Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
751788 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03GUE Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2015-04-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817359 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBQ Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817360 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBR Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817361 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBS Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817362 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBT Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817363 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBU Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817364 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBV Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817365 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBW Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817366 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBX Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817367 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBY Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817368 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VBZ Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817369 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC0 Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817370 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC1 Carabidae Anisodactylus ovularis (Casey, 1914) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817371 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC2 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817372 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC3 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817373 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC4 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817374 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC5 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817375 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC6 Carabidae Bembidion affine Say, 1823 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817376 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC7 Carabidae Brachinus alternans Dejean, 1825 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817377 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC8 Carabidae Calosoma sayi Dejean, 1826 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817378 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VC9 Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817379 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCA Carabidae Chlaenius tomentosus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817380 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCB Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817381 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCC Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817382 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCD Carabidae Cicindela punctulata punctulata Olivier 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817383 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCE Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817384 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCF Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817385 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCG Carabidae Clivina impressefrons LeConte, 1844 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817386 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCH Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817387 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCI Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817388 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCJ Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817389 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCK Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817390 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCL Carabidae Dicaelus ambiguus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817391 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCM Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817392 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCN Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817393 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCO Carabidae Dicaelus politus Dejean, 1826 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817394 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCP Carabidae Dicaelus politus Dejean, 1826 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817395 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCQ Carabidae Dicaelus purpuratus purpuratus Bonelli 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817396 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCR Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817397 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCS Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817398 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCT Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817399 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCU Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817400 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCV Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817401 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCW Carabidae Galerita bicolor (Drury, 1773) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817402 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCX Carabidae Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817403 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCY Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817404 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VCZ Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817405 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD0 Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817406 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD1 Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817407 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD2 Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817408 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD3 Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817409 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD4 Carabidae Clivina bipustulata (Fabricius, 1798) 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817410 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD5 Carabidae Poecilus lucublandus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817411 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD6 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817412 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD7 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817413 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD8 Carabidae Pterostichus tristis (Dejean, 1828) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817414 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VD9 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817415 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDA Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817416 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDB Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817417 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDC Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817418 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDD Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817419 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDE Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817420 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDF Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817421 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDG Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817422 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDH Carabidae Synuchus impunctatus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817423 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817424 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817425 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDK Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817426 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDL Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817427 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDM Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817428 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDN Carabidae Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817429 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDO Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2017-07-27 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817430 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDP Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817431 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDQ Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817432 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDR Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817433 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDS Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817434 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDT Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2017-06-01 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817435 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDU Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817436 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDV Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817437 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDW Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817438 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDX Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817439 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDY Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817440 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VDZ Carabidae Trichotichnus fulgens (Csiki, 1932) 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817441 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE0 Carabidae Trichotichnus fulgens (Csiki, 1932) 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817442 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE1 Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817443 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE2 Carabidae Tachys pumilus (Dejean, 1831) 2017-05-04 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817444 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE3 Carabidae Tachys potomaca Erwin 2017-04-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817445 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE4 Carabidae Brachinus fumans (Fabricius, 1781) 2017-06-29 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817446 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE5 Carabidae Brachinus fumans (Fabricius, 1781) 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817447 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE6 Carabidae Oodes brevis Lindroth, 1957 2017-06-15 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817448 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE7 Carabidae Oodes brevis Lindroth, 1957 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817449 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE8 Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2017-05-18 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817450 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VE9 Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817451 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEA Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2017-07-13 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817452 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEB Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2017-04-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817453 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEC Carabidae Patrobus longicornis (Say, 1823) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817454 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VED Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2017-09-07 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817455 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEE Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2017-08-24 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817456 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEF Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2017-08-10 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817457 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEG Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817458 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VEH Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2017-09-21 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817725 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VLW Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817726 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VLX Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817730 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VM1 Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817734 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VM5 Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817740 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMB Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817741 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMC Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817745 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMG Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817746 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMH Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817747 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMI Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817748 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMJ Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean, 1831 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817749 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMK Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817750 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VML Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817751 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMM Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817752 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMN Carabidae Carabus vinctus (Weber, 1801) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817758 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMT Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817759 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMU Carabidae Cicindela sexguttata Fabricius, 1775 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817760 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMV Carabidae Cicindela punctulata punctulata Olivier 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817761 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMW Carabidae Cicindela punctulata punctulata Olivier 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817762 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VMX Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817766 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VN1 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817768 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VN3 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius, 1775 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817774 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VN9 Carabidae Bembidion affine Say, 1823 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817775 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNA Carabidae Tachys laevus (Say, 1823) 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817777 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNC Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817778 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VND Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817779 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNE Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817780 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNF Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus (Say, 1830) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817781 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNG Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817782 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNH Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817783 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNI Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817784 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNJ Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus (Dejean, 1831) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817786 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNL Carabidae Brachinus fumans (Fabricius, 1781) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817790 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNP Carabidae Brachinus fumans (Fabricius, 1781) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817791 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNQ Carabidae Brachinus fumans (Fabricius, 1781) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817795 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNU Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817796 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNV Carabidae Myas coracinus (Say, 1823) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817798 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNX Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817799 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNY Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817800 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VNZ Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817801 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VO0 Carabidae Poecilus chalcites (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817813 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VOC Carabidae Pterostichus tristis (Dejean, 1828) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817817 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VOG Carabidae Pterostichus tristis (Dejean, 1828) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817818 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VOH Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817819 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VOI Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817821 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VOK Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817824 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VON Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817849 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPC Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817850 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPD Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817851 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPE Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817852 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPF Carabidae Pterostichus sculptus LeConte, 1853 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817863 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPQ Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817864 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPR Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817867 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPU Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817868 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VPV Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817877 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQ4 Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817879 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQ6 Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817880 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQ7 Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817881 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQ8 Carabidae Amara aenea (Degeer, 1774) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817890 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQH Carabidae Amara impuncticollis (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817891 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQI Carabidae Amara littoralis Mannerheim, 1843 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817899 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQQ Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817900 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQR Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817901 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQS Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817902 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VQT Carabidae Agonum punctiforme (Say, 1823) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817911 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR2 Carabidae Synuchus impunctatus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817913 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR4 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817914 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR5 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817915 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR6 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817916 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR7 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817917 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR8 Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum (Fabricius, 1798) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817918 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VR9 Carabidae Dicaelus purpuratus purpuratus Bonelli 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817922 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRD Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817924 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRF Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817927 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRI Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817928 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRJ Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817930 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRL Carabidae Dicaelus ambiguus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817936 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRR Carabidae Dicaelus politus Dejean, 1826 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817937 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VRS Carabidae Dicaelus politus Dejean, 1826 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817945 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VS0 Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817946 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VS1 Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817947 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VS2 Carabidae Dicaelus elongatus Bonelli, 1813 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
817953 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VS8 Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817954 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VS9 Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817956 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSB Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817957 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSC Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817960 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSF Carabidae Chlaenius tomentosus (Say, 1823) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817964 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSJ Carabidae Chlaenius tomentosus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817970 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSP Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
817971 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSQ Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817974 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VST Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
817975 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VSU Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say, 1823 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817983 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT2 Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
817984 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT3 Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
817985 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT4 Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
817986 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT5 Carabidae Chlaenius tricolor tricolor Dejean 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
817988 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT7 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
817989 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
817990 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VT9 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
817991 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VTA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say, 1823 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
818001 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VTK Carabidae Galerita bicolor (Drury, 1773) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
818002 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VTL Carabidae Galerita bicolor (Drury, 1773) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
818015 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VTY Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818016 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VTZ Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818017 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VU0 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818018 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VU1 Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus (Say, 1823) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818023 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VU6 Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818024 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VU7 Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818025 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VU8 Carabidae Anisodactylus dulcicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1841) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818034 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUH Carabidae Anisodactylus caenus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818036 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUJ Carabidae Anisodactylus nigerrimus (Dejean, 1831) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
818045 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUS Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818046 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUT Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818047 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUU Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818048 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VUV Carabidae Amphasia sericea (T.W.Harris, 1828) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818057 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VV4 Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
818058 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VV5 Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
818059 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VV6 Carabidae Trichotichnus autumnalis (Say, 1823) 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
818063 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVA Carabidae Acupalpus testaceus Dejean, 1829 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818064 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVB Carabidae Acupalpus partiarius (Say, 1823) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818065 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVC Carabidae Agonoleptus conjunctus (Say, 1823) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818077 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVO Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818078 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVP Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818081 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVS Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818082 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVT Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus (Say, 1823) 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818083 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVU Carabidae Harpalus compar LeConte, 1847 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818084 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVV Carabidae Harpalus compar LeConte, 1847 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818085 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVW Carabidae Harpalus compar LeConte, 1847 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818086 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VVX Carabidae Harpalus compar LeConte, 1847 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818090 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VW1 Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
818092 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VW3 Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818093 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VW4 Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
818094 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VW5 Carabidae Harpalus pensylvanicus (Degeer, 1774) 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
818098 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VW9 Carabidae Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
818099 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VWA Carabidae Harpalus vagans LeConte, 1865 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
818115 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VWQ Carabidae Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius, 1775) 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818116 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VWR Carabidae Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius, 1775) 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818119 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VWU Carabidae Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius, 1775) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
818120 NEON:CARC-DNA NEON03VWV Carabidae Harpalus caliginosus (Fabricius, 1775) 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397805 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCE Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397806 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCF Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397807 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCG Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397808 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCH Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397809 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397810 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCJ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397811 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397812 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCL Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397813 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCM Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397814 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCN Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397815 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCO Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397816 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCP Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397817 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCQ Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397818 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCR Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397819 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCS Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397820 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCT Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397821 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCU Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397822 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCV Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397823 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCW Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397824 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCX Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397825 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCY Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397826 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DCZ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397827 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD0 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397828 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD1 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397829 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD2 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397830 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD3 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397831 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD4 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397832 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD5 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397833 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD6 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397834 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD7 Carabidae Galerita bicolor Drury 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397835 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD8 Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397836 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DD9 Carabidae Galerita bicolor Drury 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397837 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDA Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397838 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDB Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397839 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDC Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397840 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDD Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397841 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDE Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397842 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDF Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397843 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDG Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397844 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDH Carabidae Anisodactylus rusticus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397845 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397846 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDJ Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397847 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397848 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDL Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397849 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDM Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397850 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDN Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397851 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDO Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397852 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDP Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397853 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDQ Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397854 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDR Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397855 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDS Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397856 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDT Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397857 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDU Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397858 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDV Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397859 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDW Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397860 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDX Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397861 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDY Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397862 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DDZ Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397863 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE0 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397864 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE1 Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397865 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE2 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397866 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE3 Carabidae Amphasia sericea T.Harris 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397867 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE4 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397868 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE5 Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397869 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE6 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397870 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE7 Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397871 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397872 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DE9 Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397873 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEA Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397874 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEB Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397875 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEC Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397876 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DED Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397877 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEE Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397878 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEF Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397879 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEG Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397880 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEH Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397881 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397882 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEJ Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397883 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397884 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEL Carabidae Stenolophus ochropezus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397885 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEM Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397886 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEN Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397887 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397888 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEP Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397889 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEQ Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397890 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DER Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397891 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DES Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397892 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DET Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397893 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEU Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397894 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEV Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397895 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEW Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397896 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEX Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397897 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEY Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397898 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DEZ Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397899 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF0 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397900 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF1 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397901 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF2 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397902 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF3 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397903 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF4 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397904 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF5 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397905 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397906 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF7 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397907 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF8 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397908 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DF9 Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397909 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFA Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397910 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFB Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397911 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFC Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397912 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFD Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397913 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFE Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397914 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFF Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397915 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFG Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397916 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFH Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397917 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFI Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397918 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFJ Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397919 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFK Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397920 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFL Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397921 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFM Carabidae Pterostichus (Abacidus) LeConte 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397922 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFN Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397923 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFO Carabidae Cyclotrachelus sigillatus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397924 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFP Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397925 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFQ Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397926 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFR Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397927 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFS Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397928 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFT Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397929 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFU Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397930 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFV Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397931 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFW Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397932 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFX Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397933 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFY Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397934 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DFZ Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397935 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG0 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397936 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG1 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397937 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG2 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397938 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG3 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397939 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG4 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397940 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG5 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397941 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397942 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG7 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397943 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG8 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397944 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DG9 Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397945 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGA Carabidae Amara aenea DeGeer 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397946 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGB Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397947 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGC Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397948 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGD Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397949 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGE Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397950 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGF Carabidae Agonum octopunctatum Fabricius 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
397951 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGG Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397952 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGH Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397953 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGI Carabidae Dicaelus dilatatus dilatatus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397954 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGJ Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397955 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGK Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397956 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGL Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397959 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397960 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGN Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397961 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGO Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397962 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGP Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397963 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGQ Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397964 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGR Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397965 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGS Carabidae Dicaelus furvus furvus Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397966 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGT Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397967 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGU Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
397968 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGV Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397969 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGW Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397970 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGX Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397971 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGY Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397972 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DGZ Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397973 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH0 Carabidae Chlaenius emarginatus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397974 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH1 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
397975 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397976 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH3 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397977 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
397978 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH5 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397979 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397980 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH7 Carabidae Carabus goryi Dejean 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397981 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
397982 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DH9 Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
397983 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397984 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHB Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
397985 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397986 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHD Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397987 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
397988 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHF Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397989 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397990 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHH Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397991 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397992 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHJ Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397993 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397994 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHL Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397995 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397996 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHN Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397997 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
397998 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHP Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
397999 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398000 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHR Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398001 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398002 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHT Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398003 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398004 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHV Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398005 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398006 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHX Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398007 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398008 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DHZ Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398009 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398010 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI1 Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398011 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398012 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI3 Carabidae Carabus vinctus Weber 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398013 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398014 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI5 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398015 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398016 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI7 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398017 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398018 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DI9 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398019 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398020 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIB Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398021 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398022 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DID Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398023 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398024 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIF Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398025 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398026 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIH Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398027 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DII Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398028 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIJ Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398029 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398030 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIL Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398031 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398032 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIN Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398033 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398034 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIP Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398035 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398036 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIR Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398037 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398038 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIT Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398039 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398040 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIV Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398041 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398042 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIX Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398043 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398044 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DIZ Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398045 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398046 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ1 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398047 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398048 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ3 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398049 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398050 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ5 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398051 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398052 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ7 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398053 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398054 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJ9 Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398055 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398056 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJB Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398057 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398058 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJD Carabidae Scarites subterraneus Fabricius 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398059 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398060 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJF Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398061 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398062 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJH Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398063 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398064 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJJ Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398065 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398066 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJL Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398067 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398068 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJN Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398069 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398070 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJP Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398071 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398072 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJR Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398073 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398074 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJT Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398075 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398076 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJV Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398077 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398078 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJX Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398079 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398080 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DJZ Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398081 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398082 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK1 Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398083 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398084 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK3 Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398085 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398086 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK5 Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398087 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398088 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK7 Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398089 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398090 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DK9 Carabidae Elaphropus incurvus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398091 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398092 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKB Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398093 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398094 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKD Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398095 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398096 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKF Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398097 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398098 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKH Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398099 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398100 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKJ Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398101 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398102 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKL Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398103 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398104 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKN Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398105 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398106 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKP Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398107 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398108 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKR Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398109 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398110 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKT Carabidae Elaphropus xanthopus Dejean 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398111 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398112 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKV Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398113 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398114 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKX Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398115 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398116 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DKZ Carabidae Poecilus chalcites Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.873795 -76.539828 cultivatedCrops; slope aspect: 92; slope gradient: 0.69; soil type order: Ultiso... 3 - 5
398117 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398118 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL1 Carabidae Poecilus lucublandus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398119 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398120 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL3 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398121 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398122 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL5 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398123 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398124 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398125 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398126 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DL9 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398127 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398128 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLB Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398129 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398130 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLD Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398131 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398132 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLF Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-11 United States Virginia Clarke Mid-Atlantic (D02), Blandy Experimental Farm NEON (BLAN), Plot BLAN_009 (plot di... 39.086824 -77.95775 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 233.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 129 - 134
398133 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398134 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLH Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398135 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398136 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLJ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398137 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398138 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLL Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398139 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.868693 -76.533585 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 237.9; slope gradient: 1.37; soil type order: Ult... 1 - 13
398140 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLN Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398141 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398142 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLP Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398143 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398144 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLR Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398145 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398146 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLT Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398147 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398148 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLV Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398149 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398150 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLX Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398151 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398152 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DLZ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398153 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398154 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM1 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398155 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398156 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM3 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398157 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398158 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM5 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398159 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398160 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398161 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398162 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DM9 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398163 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398164 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMB Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398165 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398166 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMD Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398167 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DME Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398168 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMF Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398169 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398170 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMH Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398171 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398172 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMJ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398173 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398174 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DML Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398175 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398176 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMN Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398177 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398178 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMP Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398179 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398180 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMR Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398181 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398182 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMT Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398183 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398184 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMV Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-20 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398185 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398186 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMX Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398187 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398188 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DMZ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398189 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398190 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN1 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398191 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398192 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN3 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398193 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398194 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN5 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398195 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398196 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398197 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398198 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DN9 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398199 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398200 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNB Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398201 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398202 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DND Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398203 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398204 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNF Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398205 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-17 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398206 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNH Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398207 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNI Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398208 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNJ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398209 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNK Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
398210 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNL Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398211 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNM Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398212 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNN Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398213 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNO Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398214 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNP Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398215 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNQ Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398216 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNR Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398217 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNS Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398218 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNT Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398219 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNU Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398220 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNV Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398221 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNW Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398222 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNX Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398223 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNY Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-31 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398224 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DNZ Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.896415 -76.560181 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 323.8; slope gradient: 11.2; soil type order: Ult... 10 - 25
398225 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO0 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398226 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO1 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398227 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO2 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398228 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO3 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398229 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO4 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-07-26 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398230 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO5 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398231 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO6 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398232 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO7 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398233 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO8 Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398234 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DO9 Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-09-06 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
398235 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOA Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899872 -76.543752 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 25.9; slope gradient: 1.43; soil type order: Ulti... 6 - 10
398236 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOB Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-06-14 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398237 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOC Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
398238 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOD Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
398239 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOE Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-08-09 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
398240 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOF Carabidae Pterostichus stygicus Say 2018-08-23 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.895036 -76.558917 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 0; slope gradient: 0; soil type order: Ultisols 6 - 10
398241 NEON:CARC-PV NEON00DOG Carabidae Chlaenius aestivus Say 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
776882 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XUM Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.909676 -76.546253 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 349.6; slope gradient: 1.95; soil type order: Ult... 19 - 25
776883 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XUN Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2018-06-28 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
776884 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XUO Carabidae Notiophilus aeneus (Herbst, 1806) 2018-05-03 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.897571 -76.561169 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 358.2; slope gradient: 7.97; soil type order: Ult... 17 - 42
776887 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XUR Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
776891 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XUV Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-07-12 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.88109 -76.547314 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 211.39; slope gradient: 2.95; soil type order: Ul... 2 - 9
776897 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XV1 Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-19 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.899455 -76.547547 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 164.4; slope gradient: 2.12; soil type order: Ult... 16 - 24
776898 NEON:CARC-PV NEON02XV2 Carabidae Sphaeroderus stenostomus stenostomus Weber 2018-04-05 United States Maryland Anne Arundel Mid-Atlantic (D02), Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON (SERC), Plot ... 38.875454 -76.554591 deciduousForest; slope aspect: 174.1; slope gradient: 0.52; soil type order: Ult... 15 - 22
| 1-1000 of 1379 records | >>
*Click on the Symbiota identifier in the first column to see Full Record Details.';